Unlocking The Power Of Keywords: 4 Advanced Strategies For Pay Per Click Advertising

17 January 2023
 Categories: , Blog


Do you want to maximize the effectiveness of your pay-per-click (PPC) advertising campaigns? Keywords are one of the most powerful tools in a digital marketer's arsenal; they can help you reach a wide range of potential customers with targeted, personalized ads. 

But many PPC advertisers fail to maximize their campaigns due to improper keyword selection and analysis. This article will discuss four advanced strategies for unlocking the power of keywords in your PPC campaigns.

1. Update Negative Keywords

Negative keywords are the terms or phrases that you specify as a filter to exclude from triggering your ads. 

For example, if you are running a campaign for a clothing store that specializes in women's clothing, you would want to add the word "men" as a negative keyword to avoid your ads showing up for searches related to men's clothing. 

Use tools like Google Ads Search Term report to identify and add negative keywords that have been used to trigger your ads but didn't convert. By regularly reviewing and updating your negative keywords list, you can ensure that your campaigns only reach the most relevant audience and save money on irrelevant clicks.

2. Monitor Competitors 

Competitors can also be a great source of inspiration when finding new and effective keywords. Here's how to research your competitor's keywords:

  • Use keyword research tools such as SEMrush or Ahrefs, which allow you to enter your competitor's website and see the keywords they are targeting.
  • Use the Google Ads Keyword Planner to see the keywords that your competitors are bidding on.
  • Analyze your competitor's paid search ads by searching for relevant keywords and observing which ads appear.

By monitoring the keywords your competitors are using, you can gain valuable insights into what is working for them and adapt accordingly. For example, you may find that a competitor is using a specific long-tail keyword you were unaware of, generating a lot of conversions for them. 

Including that keyword in your campaigns can increase your chances of reaching the same target audience. You can also identify any new industry trends or keywords you should be aware of. 

3. Use A/B testing 

A/B testing is a powerful tool that can help you determine which keywords are most effective for your campaigns. The basic idea behind A/B testing is to compare two versions of an ad or landing page with a tiny variation, such as different keywords, to see which version performs better. 

By running A/B tests on different keywords, you can determine which ones drive the most clicks, conversions, and revenue. For example, you can create two versions of an ad, one using the keyword "summer sale" and the other using the keyword "hot summer deals," and then compare the performance of the two ads. The ad that performs better is the one that you should continue using. A/B testing should be done regularly and with a considerable sample size to avoid drawing false conclusions.

4. Use Google Trends

Using Google Trends, you can identify high-volume keywords with low competition, which can be an excellent opportunity for your campaigns. 

For example, suppose you notice that a specific keyword related to your product or service has recently seen a significant increase in search volume but low competition. In that case, you should incorporate that keyword into your campaigns to take advantage of that trend. 

Similarly, you can use Google Trends to identify keywords that have seen a decrease in search volume, which may indicate that they are losing relevance, and consider removing them or replacing them with more relevant keywords. Reach out to online PPC services to find out more.